Document Management in Robo-Commodity

Robo Commodity acts as a central repository for documents of entire trade. Usually when companies are into back-to-back trade and stock and sale, there are lots of documents, invoices, contracts, LCs, notes etc. So, it’s a cumbersome process to take care of these documents because even if they all are stored online at one place, they might not be accessible to anyone which results in a communication gap.

Document management in Robo-Commodity allows you to deal with such problems by acting as a central document management system and converts offices to paperless offices. It provides flexible and smooth access to the trade information.

Benefits of having a Document Management System:

Saves money and time:

Reduces the paperwork and hence restricts the access for the documents to the employees who do not belong to a particular process.

Saves money by reducing the paperwork as less paper means less toner, postage, and printer costs.

Everything is handled digitally so it takes less time to find filing, re-filing, and delivering documents.

Provides Visibility: 

Every document is managed in a central location which makes the file visible to every user who is authorized to view the file. Employees of departments can request for a file and they can get immediate access to what they need.

Each owner of a document knows with whom their files are shared with. They can revoke access anytime.

Increase speed and efficiency:

When papers are moved out of the way, processing of tasks becomes faster by applying automations which surely increases the speed of the business process in the organization.

The automations processes which come with the document management solutions enhance the quality of work and employees can focus on their work instead of wasting their time on looking for documents needed.


An Electronic document management system keeps paperless documents private by setting up permission settings for each user and defining whether a staff of other departments has view, edit, or create documents permissions.

It also provides password protection, defines user rights and security in terms of employee mapping.

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